The platform

Building a knowledge exchange platform

Intercambios is committed to developing a platform for accessible knowledge exchange between Cape Verde and the Netherlands. Our platform brings together the demand for internships, graduation projects, volunteer work, and professional exchanges with the available supply.

In this phase, our organization primarily focuses on the demand we receive from Cape Verde. Companies and organizations in Cape Verde use our platform to initiate exchange projects, and individuals in the Netherlands have the opportunity to respond. The next step is facilitating the exchange, where both demand and supply can emerge in both Cape Verde and the Netherlands. Intercambios acts as a matchmaker and guides the process.

Our stages in the platform development process

Through our platform, we connect companies and organizations in Cape Verde with individuals in the Netherlands seeking internships, graduation projects, volunteer work, or exchange opportunities.

In this phase, we primarily respond to the demand we receive from Cape Verde, aligning the platform's offerings with the specific needs of the local community.

Once a match is made, we facilitate the exchange process. This includes guidance for both parties in Cape Verde and the Netherlands, ensuring the exchange runs smoothly and meets expectations.

As a matchmaker, we serve as the link between demand and supply, both before and during the exchange. Our role is to ensure quality and promote a successful and meaningful experience for all involved parties.

Intercambios is committed to building sustainable bridges between Cape Verde and the Netherlands. Join our platform and explore opportunities for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Together, we create a platform where demand and supply converge for mutual growth and development.

Intercambios zet zich in voor het opbouwen van duurzame bruggen tussen Kaapverdië en Nederland. Sluit je aan bij ons platform en ontdek de mogelijkheden voor kennisuitwisseling en samenwerking. Samen creëren we een platform waar vraag en aanbod samenkomen voor wederzijdse groei en ontwikkeling.

Aerial view of Praia city in Santiago - Capital of Cape Verde Islands - Cabo Verde
× Intercambios